<aside> 💡 plug-ins
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> how to make an approx. anchor point in bounded area
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> remapping, manipulating numbers
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> value (to be remapped) MD slider/ graph mapper
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> domain (remap: source & target) deconstruct (pts)
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> steps domain + range (steps) series (steps)
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> example
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> attractor, anchor
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> distance to the anchor
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> parameters you might want to extract from a grid of points
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> number manipulation non-function: remap, amplitude function: graph mapper
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> magnetic to anchor https://generativelandscapes.wordpress.com/2014/08/21/multiple-point-vector-field-example-6-2/
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> how to make a moving anchor point
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> parameters you might want to extract from a grid of points: distance
<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_blue.svg" alt="/icons/forward_blue.svg" width="40px" /> attract and repel controlled by vector direction
Math | ||
distance | point distance, anchor points | data: one to multiple |
vector (vector display) + move | ||
line + move | vector entails both distance and direction | |
bounds (deconstruct domain) + remap numbers (construct domain) | ||
or | ||
construct domain + remap numbers | get or make the domain of each branch |
resize the numbers proportionally domain | data: operating on index level | | MD slider
blank version of graph mapper, between the domain x and y values has no contract
graph mapper (multi-input possible)
function version of MD slider, between the domain its a function to constrain x and y relationship
number manipulation non-function: remap, amplitude function: graph mapper [value (to be remapped) MD slider/ graph mapper
make anchor point
locate a point on a surface (evaluate surface)
3. value | domain with mapper | | graph mapper | input:
multi-input (merge before input, to keep the input and output in the same order)
domain as a range of numbers
steps: domain + range (steps) series (steps) | | | remap:
value: point(s) to be manipulated from MD slider/ graph mapper ****source: domain from bounds/ construct domain target: domain from construct domain
remapping, manipulating numbers number manipulation non-function: remap, amplitude function: graph mapper | | remap vs. amplitude (both linear)
remap: project the source range to the target range (stretch a line on both ends) amplitude: multiplier (stretch a line with one fixed end) |