Forms 2D Display Math

<aside> đź’ˇ resource graft: **** pattern:


<aside> đź’ˇ preference

<aside> đź’ˇ plug-ins

! kangaroo physics vs. kangaroo 2


mesh edit component lunchbox


<aside> đź’ˇ lists

<aside> đź’ˇ output

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> how to color code a domain bound deconstruct domain (start, end) gradient (L0: start, L1: end, t: all numbers) preview



data basic operation single out items from a list
series show list
replace items
cull items
insert items
list item
reverse list
cull index
shift list
split list
sort list

| | partition list (multi-data panel) dispatch flip matrix | keys must be numbers, values not pattern input dispatch vs. flip matrix | | text split | | | expression | | | equality | identify number | | cull index cull pattern cull duplicates | -1 always represent the last index however long the list | | clock | double click reset | | entwine merge entwine=group + merge + ungroup group group + ungroup | each input is a branch, like explode tree doesn’t change data structure

group is not a branch, can’t be flattened group + ungroup is a branch |

tree components
clean tree
null item remove special data
check if there is special data
explode tree, like entwine explode branches into individual trees
right click match output
like list item on a branch level
graft vs. flatten opposite each other
graft: add one branch at a time
flatten: remove all branches at once
graft and simplify simplify the branches to its lightest condition, not remove branch
graft: add one branch at a time
simplify: remove all “empty” branches at once
graft and partition list graft: function once
partition list: with 1 in size
tree branch list out a branch
counter ticking timer
dupLn remove dup lines

<aside> đź’ˇ data manipulation

data tree_ grid_

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> graft



<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> trim

Like Path Mapper, but trims branches from outside to inside, following the Depth parameter, OR flatten with steps


<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> different ways of choosing items from a list

  1. Area > Point list
  2. List item (multiple) > Merge
  3. Merge (index) > List item (less components)
  4. Notepad (multiline data) > List item (less components)


<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> path mapper




<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> all grid data structure (similar to series) ****hexagonal / radial / rectangular / square / triangular/ ptPlanar (paneling tool)

extend x: decide the # of branches extend y: decide the # of items of each branch

!!! default start with x, when it comes to array order be mindful that the # assigned to create the grid entails a array order: x is branches, y is items

!!! grafting makes each branch an operation

additional operations

flat >graft

how to create an array of hexagon hexagonal _ flatten cell out put



data related operation
lunchbox: mesh
Quad Panels
QuadRand (random)
SQuads (skewed)
TriA/B/C before: each box is a branch
after: each panel becomes a branch, the box as a branch is simplified (data removed and replaced)
similar to partition branch=operation
because the subdivision operates on each surface, they become branches
subdivided 4 faces become the items that live in each branch
Flat LunchBox Flatness Check
F flattened surfaces
P vector / plane / frame
D deviation / bound / range deviation as parameter
GH native:
loft branch level
lofting same location items of each branch
Evaluation operations:
Brep Edges
grid data branch level operation, graft
data related components
partition list branch level operation (vertical), graft
list / size = # of branches/ # of index each branch
make order: 3x2, 2x3
list item
index level operation (horizontal), doesn’t change the tree structure
index = index of each branch
tree branch (BANG!)
list out a branch
as opposed to list item, this is listing branch list:
list item
tree branch: panel input: 0,1
like explode tree
explode tree explode branches into individual trees
right click match output
like list item on a branch level
cull index index level operation (horizontal), doesn’t change the tree structure
index = index of each branch
!!! don’t confuse index # with input #: input panel (multi line data on: it has it’s own index #, the input # refer to the index of the culled list)
cherry picker branch, and index level pin down (vertical and horizontal)
deconstruct or any analytical component (dissect one geometry into parts, it inherent grafting)
each geometry is considered a branch
same type of parts of each geometry is indexed with same #
path mapper source {A;B}
target {A} source
A 1st tier branches {0;0}…{0;5}, {1,0}…{1,5}
B 2nd tier branches {0;0}…{0;5}, {1,0}…{1,5}
total 6+6=12

target B 2nd tier collapse into index A the one layer branch left {0}, {1} total branch 2 like a local flatten not a global flatten | | path mapper | source {A;B} target {B} | source A 1st tier branches {0;0}…{0;5}, {1,0}…{1,5} B 2nd tier branches {0;0}…{0;5}, {1,0}…{1,5} total 6+6=12

target A 1st tier collapse into index B the one layer branch left {0}…{5} total branch 6 |

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_pink.svg" alt="/icons/forward_pink.svg" width="40px" /> data tree visualization (param viewer)


tree version list version
dot / hierarchy / list on list # of digits in the {} how many sub-layers grafted to the branches
branch / list # of {} how much branches expand horizontally (para viewer)
how many rows spread out vertically as multi-data (panel)
number / item at each branch/ index N value


  1. single, index
  2. double, list, one branch, one {}, no tree, para viewer: one line
  3. dashed double, multiple branches, multiple {}, para viewer: one line one index can be one list, but one branch/list can’t be one tree, para viewer: a open tree panels show indexes, param view only show branches, and the # of indexes inside of each branch, it does not show indexes
